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You Are God's Beloved Daughter

What Our Audience is Saying...

"I adore this devotional. You can feel the heart of God for his daughters in each and every single page. They bring comfort, love, joy, hope and peace."

"You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy." -Psalm 30:11

Excerpts from His Princess Every Day Devotional
 by Sheri Rose Shepherd

See yourself as God sees you—as a daughter of the King. Toss aside your own insecurities and break out of the mold the media has created for you. You are a princess, and in these letters penned from God's perspective, you'll begin to discover just how dear you are to Him.

"Each reading speaks to my heart, and reminds me how dear I am to our Father. Thank you for this wonderful resource." 

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